Data Tracker Help


The toolbar appears at the top of every screen in the program.  The buttons on the toolbar allow you to access all major program functions:

ToolbarPrint.gif (167 bytes) Press the “Print” button to print the current window.  In most cases this function will just print a screen shot of the current window.  However on the Graph and Spreadsheet windows this function offers more options and flexibility.

ToolbarSearch.gif (158 bytes) Press the “Search Function” button to search your database.   After you perform a search, found items will be added to a Search List.  You can use the Search List to create reports and graphs of subsets of your entire database.  You can also access the Search function from the Main Menu.

ToolbarAlbum.gif (166 bytes) Press the “ Album View” button to see a visual view of your database.  This visual view displays images associated with records in a re-sizable grid.  You can also access the Album from the Main Menu.

ToolbarGraph.gif (152 bytes) Press the “Graph Function” button to visually see how the information stored in your database breaks down.  You can use this function to generate, export and print a wide variety of circle, bar and line graphs.   You can also access the Graph function from the Main Menu.

ToolbarSpreadsheet.gif (154 bytes) Press the “Spreadsheet View” button to view a spreadsheet view of your database.  This function may be useful if you want to compare different records side by side.  Items found during a SearchSearch Function of the Database are also displayed on the spreadsheet.  You can also access the Spreadsheet view from the Main Menu.

ToolbarReport.gif (137 bytes) Press the “Report” button to generate, print, email and Newsgroup post reports.  You can generate three types of reports: Regular Reports, Image Reports and HTML Reports. Regular reports and Image Reports can be previewed and printed.  HTML reports appear in your web browser and can be exported to an HTML file.  You can also access the Reporting functions from the Main Menu.

ToolbarView.gif (173 bytes) Press the “View” button to display the main record view screen (i.e. the screen that appears when you first start the software.

ToolbarCalculator.gif (180 bytes) Press the “Calculator” button to invoke the calculator function.

ToolbarCalander.gif (176 bytes) Press the “Calendar” button to display a calendar.

ToolbarCD.gif (186 bytes) Press the “CD” button to use the built-in CD player.

ToolbarSave.gif (180 bytes) Press the “Save” button to save your database to disk.   You can only use the Save button if you have already specified a filename for your database. If you haven’t specified a file name (i.e. you’re starting a new database) you need to use the "Save As" main menu option.

ToolbarClose.gif (159 bytes) Press the “Close” button to close the currently displayed window.   If you press the “Close” button on the main view screen you will exit the program.

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