This function allows you to search
for information in your database, using a virtually unlimited range of search criteria.
You may search using any combination of the "Description", "Detail"
and Notes fields. The results of your Search will be put on the Search
List and will appear on the Spreadsheet View. On this window you will notice a spreadsheet type
display right below the toolbar. This area is
the Search Grid. Below the search grid you
will see several buttons and a progress bar. These
buttons allow you to configure your search.
To perform a search, fill in the
Search Grid using the following three steps:
Click on an empty space in the field column on the Search Grid. A pop-up menu will appear. Select the field you want to search from the
pop-up menu.
Next click on the corresponding type column on the Search Grid. A pop-up menu will appear where you can select
includes or does not include.
Select includes if you want records with a specific value
included in your search. Select does
not include if you want to exclude records that contain a specific value from the
search. The default is includes.
Last click on the corresponding value column on the Search Grid. Depending on the field you are searching on of
three things will happen. If you are
searching a Description category field (i.e. the fields that appear on the left hand side
of the main data entry screen) a pop-up menu will appear where you can select the value
you are searching for. If you are searching
any other Description field (i.e. the fields that appear on the right hand side of the
main data entry screen), a dialog box will appear where you can enter the data you are
looking for. On this dialog box you can enter
either a specific value in the top or a range of values in the bottom. If you are searching any other field in the
database you will be able to directly type the value you are searching for in the Value
To search more then one field at once
press the Add Term button and repeat the above process for the new fields. After you have filled in the Search Grid with
exactly what you are looking for, press the Search button to perform the
search. If any items are found during the
search they will be added to the Search List and displayed on the spreadsheet. After you are finished with a search you can press
the New Search button to clear the Search Grid.
Remember that this will only clear the Search Grid, not the Search List. Since the Search List is not cleared before a new
search, you can combine several different searches for reporting and browsing purposes. If you do need to remove all items from the
search list press the Clear button.
You can also add a range of records to
the Search List using the Add Search Range fields. This feature may be useful if you need to split up
your database for a large report. For example
you could add the first 500 records to the search list, generate a report with these
records, and then add the next 500 records and generate the report again. You can also use it to split your database into
several smaller databases using the Extract features. The Extract features allow you to save
records that appear on the search list into a separate database. You can also entirely remove these search list
records from the current database. Press the
first button on the toolbar to access the extract function.
The toolbar contains 3 buttons
specific to the Search screen:
The extract button allows you
to access the extract function (described in detail above).
The Save Search button allows you to save the current
search to disk. This function may be useful
if you often need to repeat the same search.
The Load Search button allows you to load a previously
saved search.
You can also use the Print
button on the toolbar to printout the Search Grid.
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