BookNet Information and Help

Brief Description:

BookNet helps you keep track of your book collection. The software is suitable for private collectors,
small libraries and bookstores. The software incorporates a powerful search engine, a versatile report
writer, easy data entry, context sensitive help, full customization, data graphing, a book shelf view, a
spreadsheet view, multimedia sound annotation, and much more. As an added bonus the software is
extremely easy to use, and includes helpful hints throughout. Optional Web hosting services are
available that allow you to put your entire BookNet database on the Web. Once your database is on
the web your customers or fellow collectors will be able to browse through your collection over the

Click Here to Download the latest version of Booknet (1.0 2.1 Megabytes)



BookNet is an easy to use but very powerful database program that helps you keep track of your book collection. It can be fully customized and features an almost unlimited database capacity. As an added bonus, using optional web hosting services, you can put your entire database on the Web.  Booknet requires Windows 95 or higher, a Pentium processor and at least 8 meg of RAM.

A Note about Shareware

BookNet is shareware. This means that you can evaluate the software for 30 days. But if you decide to use the software after the 30-day period, you must register by sending your registration fee to Data Village. If you do not send in your registration fee, you will be violating copyright law. To register you software, please see the section "Registration", below. You may freely distribute the program, as long as you do not disclose the registration code.

Software Limitations

Until you register you will be able to add a maximum of 25 records. Registration reminder messages will also appear when you start the software and when you exit the software. After you register there are no restrictions on the number of records that you can add, and the registration reminders will no longer appear.

Please note that available system resources may limit your database size. If you plan on adding more then about 5,000 records, contact Data Village to find out if your computer is powerful enough.


Execute "Bookset.exe" and follow the instructions provided.    Click here to download bookset.exe.

Getting Started

This section explains major Booknet commands and features.

Floating Tool Bar

The floating Tool Bar allows you to access all major BookNet features at the touch of a button. When you don’t need the Tool Bar you can roll it up. The tool bar functions are described briefly below.

File Press "File" to open, save, merge or register.
Search Press "Search" to search your database.
View Press ‘View" to view or edit a record. This is the main screen, and appears automatically when you start the software.
Album Press "Album" to display all pictures associated with records side by side.
Graph Press "Graph" to view a graph showing the break down of records in your database.
Report Press "Report" to generate reports. Once you generate a report you can either print it or email it.
Spreadsheet Press "Spreadsheet" to display a spreadsheet view of your database.
Web Upload Press "Web Upload" to upload your database to the Internet. This function is used in conjunction with Data Village web hosting services.
Help Press "Help" to view this online manual in your internet browser.
Quit Press quit to exit the application.

The first eight functions are described in greater detail in the rest of this manual.


If you press the File Button a pop-up menu appears with 5 options:


Select "Open" to load a database file. Since you can only work with one database file at a time, you should save your existing database before you try and load a new database.


Select ‘Save" to save your database. You can only use the Save option if you have already specified a filename for your database. If you haven’t specified a file name (i.e. you’re starting a new database) you need to use the "Save As" option.

Save As

Select "Save As" to save your database and select a filename for it. You’ll need to use "Save As" the first time you want to save a new database.


Select "Merge" to append another database file to the current database. You can only merge compatible database files (i.e. the field names must be the same in both databases).

Enter Registration Code

After you register your software you will receive a registration code. Select the "Enter Registration Code" function to enter this code into the system. After the code has been entered you will be able to use the software without any restrictions.

The View Window

The View window appears when you first start the software. Using the View window you can view existing records, you can add new records and you can edit existing records. On the View Window you will notice a folder control on the bottom part of the screen. This control allows you to select the type of information that you would like to view or edit. You can select from description, detail, multi-media and related web resources. The description fields are used to store the characteristics of a record. The detail fields are used to store notes about a record. The multimedia area allows you to associate a picture and sound file with a record. Lastly, the related web resources area provides a dynamically generated list of web sites that may provide further information about the record.  The View window is completely re-sizeable.

Viewing Records

You can use the panel on the top of the screen to navigate through the database. The left arrow takes you to the previous record in the database. The right arrow takes you to the next record in the database. If you have information on the Search List (please see the section titled "The Search Window" for more information on the search list), you can move to the previous record on the search list using the up arrow, or the next item on the search list using the down arrow. If you would like to change the record order in the database, press the "Sort" button. A pop-up menu will appear asking you what criteria you would like to sort by. After you make a selection, the database will be resorted to reflect your choice.

Editing Records

Editing records is easy. Simply navigate to the record you would like to change. Then make the required changes on the bottom part of the screen, where the record information is displayed. When you next save the database, any changes that you have made will also be saved. You can also cut, copy, paste and insert records using the buttons on the top part of the window.

Pull-down menus are used to enter data in the left-hand description fields on the description panel. These fields are used for record classification. Accordingly the corresponding pull-down menus are nested. If a particular pull-down menu does not contain the value that you would like to add, simply click on the corresponding field. A Tree View will appear where you can enter a new value.

Adding New Records

To add a new record, simply press the "New" button on the top panel. A blank record will be created and attached to the end of the Database. You will also be automatically transferred to this new record. You can then enter the new record’s information on the bottom part of the screen, where the record information is displayed.


The software also features multimedia capabilities. To use the multimedia features select the Multimedia tab. On the Multimedia panel, you can attach sound and picture files to individual records. In particular, the picture file function allows you to attach a .bmp, .jpg, .gif or .pcx file to an individual record. The sound file function allows you to attach a .wav file to a record. You can use the sound file function to attach your own voice annotation to a record. You can also make the sound file automatically play each time you view a record by checking the "play sound" check box.

Changing Field Names

You can customize the field names in the software by double clicking on the title of the field you would like to change. In particular you can change any of the description field names. If you change the name of a description field on the View screen, the name change will be reflected in all other parts of the software as well.

Related Web Resources

If you have an Internet connection and a web browser you can use the Related Web Resources panel to view a list of web page pages that may be related to the displayed record. This list is dynamically generated, so that it is up to date at all times. Please note that the quality of search results can vary greatly from record to record. The software attempts to use the record name and the description fields to find related web pages. Therefore if you have spelling mistakes in any of these fields, or use uncommon words to describe your records, the search results may not be entirely accurate. In any case, this feature can be used to extend the information in your database with the wealth of information available on the Internet.

The Graph Window

The Graph Window allows you to create graphs based on your data. You can use the graph function to determine how your collection breaks down, based on the information in the description fields. You can generate graphs based on all the information in your database, or just the records on the search list. To toggle between these two modes, press the "mode" button. To select a type of graph, use the tree control on the left-hand side of the screen.

Once the graph appears, you may change its appearance by using the buttons along the top of the graph.  The Graph window is completely re-sizeable.

The Report Window

The Report Window allows you to generate, print and email reports based on your data. It also allows you to import and export data.  The Report window is completely re-sizeable.

Adding Items to a Report

To add an item to a report press the "Add" button in the Items area on the left hand side of the report window.  A pop-up menu will appear and you will be able to select a record field to add to the report.  If you make a mistake you can press the "Undo" button.  To clear all report items press "clear".

Setting up a Report

On the right side of the Report Window you will notice the report setup area.   You can enter the number of report columns, the width of the report columns and the color of the report columns using the top part of the setup section.  On the next part of the setup area you can select the margin size in inches on each report page.  Finally, on the last part of the setup section you can select the fonts you would like to use in the report and you can select page header and footer information.

Loading and Saving Report Formats

By pressing the load and save buttons on the bottom part of the Report Window, you can load and save report formats.

Importing and Export Data

You can export and import comma delimited data using the export and import functions.  These functions may be useful if you need to transfer information to and from other database applications.  You can also export existing data to HTML format if you want to put it on your web page.

Emailing Reports

Use the email function to email a report in ASCII text format.   You will need to enter information about your email server to use this function.

Posting Reports to Internet News Groups

Use the Newsgroup posting function to post a report to an Internet Newsgroup.  You will need to enter information about your news server to use this function.

The Search Window

The Search Window allows you to search for information in your database, using a virtually unlimited range of search criteria. You may search using any combination of the "Description" and "Detail" fields. The results of your Search will appear on the Spreadsheet window.


The Album Window displays record pictures in a photo-album format.  The Album window is completely re-sizeable.


The spreadsheet window displays multiple records in a spreadsheet format. The spreadsheet is also used to display search results. Since you can edit data on the spreadsheet, you can also use the spreadsheet to quickly update your records.  The Spreadsheet window is completely re-sizeable.

Web Upload Window

Using optional Data Village web hosting services you can put your database on the web, quickly and easily.

All BookNet users can benefit from this service. If you operate a library, your patrons will be able to view your collection remotely, improving accessibility. If you operate a bookstore you will be able to reach a wider range of customers 24 hours a day. If you are a private collector you can make your collection available to friends and colleagues. The possibilities are endless.

Data Village web hosting can operate in conjunction with your existing Internet Service provider, so you can add your database to your existing web page. If you do not have a web page, Data Village can also design and create a web page for you.

Registering your Software

The Booknet registration fee is $29.95 (US Funds).   After you register you will be able to add more then 25 records in a single database.  To register please Click Here.

Contacting Data Village

If you require additional assistance, you can contact Data Village at the following address:

Data Village
#234, 5149 Country Hills Blvd. N.W.
Suite #103 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T3A 5K8

Or you can visit our web site at: