Data Tracker Help

Customizing the Software

The software can be easily customized to suit your individual needs.   To change the name of a Description or Detail field simply double-click on the Field title.  An input box will appear where you can enter a new field name.  To change the options in the Description Pull-Down menus simply click the field you want to change and select the “Add New Category “ option.

A Tree View Will Appear:

 CustomizingScreen.gif (9280 bytes)

Using this window you can add and remove categories, rename categories, sort the categories on the list and make the category list default for future databases. 

To add a new category, enter the new category name in the category name field.  Next highlight the position on the tree view where you want the new category inserted.  Then press the “Insert” button.  The above screen shot shows you how you would add a “New Country” category after the Europe category.

To add the first sub-category under a category, enter the name of the new sub-category in the category name field.  Next highlight the category underneath which you want to add the new sub-category on the tree view.  Last, press the “Add Child” button.

To rename a category, highlight the category you want to rename on the tree view.  Then enter the new name in the category name field and press the “Rename” button.

To sort the entire category list press the “Sort everything” button.  To sort just the sub-categories underneath a main category, highlight the main category on the tree view then press the “Sort children” button.

Finally, if you want to make the category list the default for future databases, press the “Make Default” button.

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